Friday, April 30, 2010

Scrub a Dub Dub..

Three girls and a ...Volvo???

Yes...another Volvo in the background. They're everywhere....

Mommy's little helpers

It had been a good 4 months or so since we had washed the car. The girls were eager to help.


Through the TULIPS !!

Spur of the moment getaway w/the Gassman's. We headed South to the Skagit Valley.

Growing up with the tulips basically in my backyard...I have taken them for granted. They are quite amazing and beautiful. We got an early start and beat the crowds.

The kids had fun going from one variety to the next

Roozengarde is a pretty neat place!!

If I had a "real" could tell how awesome this looked

Mom's favorite.....Purple

Mary and I each took shot of Tyler and Emery. You never know when all of these pictures we have been taking the last 6+ years may come in handy.........

The tulips were great and all....but I love these 2 SweetPeas the best!!

Egg Hunt

We headed up to Deming to spend Easter w/The Zenders. It was a very nice day...nice weather, good food and even better company. Tony and Heather put on a great egg hunt for the kids.

Jason and Morgan would re-hide the eggs for the little kids

Avery tried to get mostly "lellow" eggs...her favorite color

Zenders, McAllisters, Snows.....Happy Easter 2010

bye Mom...gotta go ride

Thanks Easter Bunny!!

The girls were not short on chocolate this Easter

Ron and Hazel came over for dinner on their way home from Arizona. They brought the girls HUGE chocolate bunnies

The girls woke up to Easter baskets out in the living room, along with a bunch of hidden eggs.

Emery got a lamb webkinz, some flip flops, Alvin & The Chipmunks, The Squeakquel, amongst other goodies

Avery got an Easter Scooby Doo, Toy Story 1 and 2, and lots of other stuff. Basically, the Easter Bunny was quite generous this year!!

Monday, April 26, 2010

A Visit from Meg

My friend's daughter / adopted niece, Meghan, is now all grown up....and can actually come visit us on her own, from Olympia. She stayed w/us overnight and the girls hardly left her alone. This was our 2nd annual Easter egg decorating. Next year she'll be in Texas for we'll have to send her an Easter care package.

Star of the Week**

A special hat and special chair..right next to Mrs. Johnson

Avery loved being the S T A R !!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Surprise trip to Disneyland!!!!

We went to Disneyland last year for the very first time. We were there 3 days and also went with friends. We had a great time, but felt we didn't get to do everything we wanted to do. One night Jason and I were up talking...and one thing led to another....and our plans for a quick overnighter somewhere close..led to 5 nights in Disneyland!! Costco was having a special.."Stay 3 nights, get 2 nights free." We decided to keep it a surprise as long as we could...and kind of surprising to us...was how well we pulled it off. The girls were at g r e a t ages this time...we had so much fun.

At this point the girls have no idea where we are going.
Emery is guessing Disneyland or Hawaii, Avery is guessing Mexico???

We are on the shuttle bus. They see palm trees.
Emery is sure we are in California...but still not quite sure..

Finally in our room at the California Grand Hotel. The girls were so excited to find bunk beds waiting for them. Our room, the entire hotel actually, was amazing. A definite treat to stay there. Mickey Mouse shirts on, and ready to head out for the day.

at Mickey's house

Breakfast w/ Minnie. She was soooo sweet. She kept
kissing the girls on the top of their heads.

Woody was super cute. We just missed Jessie. time.

Donald was a crack up...very silly.

Meeting the characters is fun....but we LOVE the rides!!!
Emery did the Tower of Terror...twice
once w/mom and once w/Dad

Buzz Lightyear ride

Grizzly River Rapids...those .88cent ponchos
we brought were put to good use.

Probably the hugest HIT of the entire stay was.................
It's Tough To Be A Bug

In much fun we probably watched the show
about 8 times in 5 was super cute

It's true...It IS the Happiest Place on Earth !!

Emery and Mom on Splash Mountain. It was definitely Emery's favorite ride. A couple times there were NO lines, so Emery and Dad rode it 3 times in a row. Avery was 1 inch too short...darn it. Should have re-thought the shoes!

Thunder Mountain, fun, fun.

I'm tall enough for this one guys!

The face painters are crazy fast

Pixar Parade in California was fun.

Roz...a favorite of ours

We got to watch Disneyland's "Let's Celebrate" Parade with our
friends the Aylen's..from Bellingham. They had driven there for the day from Palm Springs and it was fun to meet up with them.

Dinner at Goofy's Kitchen

It's true..he is very goofy. He kept walking by and taking a sip of the girls drinks. He would joke around with them, play hide and seek...he was super silly.

We LOVE Minnie

Is that Chip....or Dale...? Chip, I think. Avery had a way with the chipmunks!

So overall......the surprise trip to Disneyland was 5 days of jammed packed fun. It was a great trip and we all had a great time. Our first trip there, last year, wasn't quite long enough and Avery was only 2 1/2. The extra year made a big difference. We hope to go back when Avery is tall enough to go on all the rides...maybe in a few years.