Monday, March 15, 2010

Olympic Torch

Probably a once in a lifetime opportunity......we got the opportunity to witness the Olympic torch relay in it's only U.S. stop at the Peace Arch on it's way to Vancouver, B.C., home of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games. It was a cold...cold morning, the first time it had frozen in over a month. The girls weren't quite sure about getting up and out of the house at 7am to watch someone carrying 'fire.'

There were gobs of people...Canadians, Americans, and our good friends, the McAllisters came out too..and poor Megan didn't even wear socks! The stage was super crowded so we opted for the human tunnel, hoping to get a close up view of the torch as it came through.

Minutes before the torch was coming..the Canadian Hockey team came out of nowhere and stood right in front of us! really blocked our view..but eventually they spread out a little bit

By some strange stroke of luck....the torch was stopped for a photo op right, make that RIGHT in front of us!! We could practically feel the warmth from the flame. It was the perfect spot.

I wish I could of gotten a photo of Ranger Snow, decked out in WA State Parks finest uniform...but he was insanely busy, but darn handsome.

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