Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Craft Night

We decided to partake in craft night, especially since our favorite friends agreed to come. Sponsored by the PTO, it was pretty fun for the kids..and free

Avery was liking the candy necklace station

What's more fun than cutting, gluing and coloring w/friends??

Family Fun Day

Whenever I have Fridays off..we get to have a family day. Most recently our adventures took us to Jungle Playland. It was probably our best visit yet because Avery is old enough and brave enough to do just about everything...and for an added bonus, we practically had the place to ourself. Let the climbing and sliding begin.............

Emery up high

Avery loved the ball pit

A monkey in the monkey

We worked up our appetite and headed to Red Robin for a great lunch!


The girls have been getting along so well lately (knock on wood).....I think we may have entered a new stage where Avery is a little older now and they play and play and share...it's so much more fun for mom and dad! Emery is teaching lil' sister how to play the VSmile since she recently scored a Leapster 2 for Christmas.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

All I want for Christmas...........

Is my one front tooth

It was a Sunday afternoon, December 20th, and Emery's tooth had been loose for awhile, but we weren't expecting it to fall out so easily..the first two teeth needed a little help. She was eating a Pringle..and poof..there it was in her mouth.

We have sure been enjoying her new smile...it changed her whole look.
The other upper front tooth is now loose.

Friday, February 5, 2010

New Adventure, Hike Part 1

Our friend told us of a new park to try w/ a fun hike down to a pretty private beach

I think we counted 19 bridges

We're getting close...the first lookout

Avery threw a kazillion rocks into the water

Emery looked for special rocks. We had the whole beach to ourself!
We like this new beach, next time we'll bring Dad.

Hike....Part Two

We love this new beach...we will definitely come again.

Emery's favorite find.....a polka dot rock

Avery found some too

Special Treasures, even a piece of beach glass

Indoor Camping

Most people camp in the summer....but we pitched the girls tent in the living room and boy, they were loving it!! Complete w/their chairs from Aunt Carole and new lanterns from Christmas..they slept out there for 3 nights.

Camping in January has never been so fun!

Our first 3-D Feature....Coraline...super cute

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Winter Recap 2009

Avery's preschool Christmas program
She thought the singing was fun, but was super
excited about the cookies afterward.

Our one and only snow playday so far this Winter

A really fun day sledding. December 2009.

Nutcracker w/Kaia and Coleen at the Mount Baker Theater