Monday, May 17, 2010

Another one bites the dust.............

While flossing Emery's teeth a couple weeks ago......

The floss sort of got caught underneath a loose, but not super loose tooth

Out popped the tooth...Emery was at first mad, then quickly remembered the tooth fairy would come that off she went for her tooth bag to put it under her pillow. Now she reminds me each night to be Really Careful Mom!!

The face painting was compliments of "game night" at the primary school.
Love her new smile!

Spring Soccer

Emery's second season of U6 Soccer

It is SO fun to watch...I hope she continues playing. This started to "click" this season.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Firehouse Fieldtrip

Avery's Preschool class got to go on a fieldtrip to the fire department

First came lessons......learning about what to do incase of a fire

next, they practiced how to crawl outside (that's pretend smoke...)

to a safe meeting place

Then they learned how to STOP, DROP

and ROLL..

Avery was IN to it..even though it was a very lengthy fieldtrip

She says she might want to be a "fireman" when she grows up

I'd be o.k. with that

Thanks Whatcom County Fire District 7

Silly Time

One of the girl's favorite pastimes is to make super funny faces and have me take their picture

Then we load them onto the computer and do a slide show of crazy faces!!

I think Emery won this round