Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Return of.......


Emery was working on kicking, pull touches, and breathing

and Avery was working on putting her face in the water and doing her kicks

Emery loved her instructor "Breeze."

Hands Across the Border

This was Emery's first year participating in Hands Across the Border. Half of our troop was able to attend. We absolutely LOVE the location.....right in our backyard..so it's really easy to get a good parking spot!!

Emery, Alice, Addie, and Avery

Jason let us borrow a tent from the park and we pitched it in a prime spot..right by the Peace Arch

siblings could come too...yeah

The girls headed out with their "swaps"

They even let little sisters swap...it was pretty fun. There were some pretty neat swaps and then there were some swaps that..well.....we re-swapped :-)

Some troops were REALLY into the swapping!!

Then it was time for the ceremony

We got these super cool little fold up chairs for FREE

The bagpipes were super cool!
Overall, a great first experience for the Girlie Scouts and next year we will even be better prepared.

Birch Bay State Park

It was June and our favorite camp hosts and good friends, The Holodiuks, were back at Birch Bay..so we had to go give them a proper welcome.

Then it was time to hit the beach

where are you little crabs??

They'd stay there all day if I would let them

and sometimes Avery just needs a rest in the warm sand


We were overdue


Emery turned out for Spring T-ball. It was all Blaine kids, co-ed, 5 & 6 year olds.

Her team was Justesen Industries

Coach Paul turned out to be the nicest, most patient coach Ever!!

and Emery turned out to be quite a little slugger..."Go #6"

At the end of the season there was a BBQ for all the teams

"My very first Trophy"

Private Party

This was Jason's 40th After-Party

The girls were so excited for us to get home from Kyoto. They had presents and cake waiting!!

and.....the 3 Snowgirls had a little present for our favorite guy. A portrait of his girls at his favorite place....the gift that keeps on giving.....Happy Birthday Jason

Frequent Visitor

The Tooth Fairy has been visiting our house a lot lately!!

Avery is just sure that she has a loose tooth (NOT).

Playdough Fun

We had a new playdough set, "Dr. Drill 'n Fill," that we were saving as a special reward for Avery when she kept her pull-up dry! You can imagine her excitement (really MY excitement) when it finally happened!!!

These girls *love* their playdough

It totally bugs me when the colors get all mixed up!!!!

I guess I can overlook it based on these smiles!!!
p.s. the dry pull-up was short lived...aaaaaahhhhhh

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Red Rover, Red Rover

Your 30's are O V E R.....
Suprise 40th birthday party for Jason at Kyoto Japanese Steakhouse

where there's good food....and...........entertainment


"not the hat....not the hat...."

Thanks to great friends who joined us.

The Lawsons

The Zenders

Guest of honor...Jason Snow and his much younger bride....hee hee

The McAllisters

and The Gassmans

We had a good time. It was small and a great group of friends. The food was delicious. And they say 40 is the new 30, right??